Saturday, 12 November 2016

Film Opening Task - 'The Exchange' Script

Fade in:

                                                      INT. CAR - NIGHT (1)
                     Driver of the car adjusts front mirror to align with subjects face in the  
                                  back seat, as he travels towards the exchange. 

                                                         Where you off to? 

                                                Just another business meeting. 

                                                   EXT. STREET - NIGHT (2) 
                          Low angled camera shot of the cars passing through the street. 
                                  No characters are shown. 1-2 second shot. 

                                                EXT. UNKNOWN LOCATION - NIGHT (3)

                          Extreme close up of a phone showing a time and location. You 
                             don't know who is receiving this text or who its came from. 

                                                                                         Fade out: Blackout to:

                                                TITLE SCREEN: THE EXCHANGE 

                    Black screen as the title of the film appears suddenly in bold, jumping 
                                                out towards the camera. (5 seconds) 
                                                                                       Dramatic music fades in:
                                                                                                      Dissolve to:

                                                EXT. IN THE TOWN - NIGHT (4)
                      Tracking shot of the interceptors feet as he walks towards the 
                      location he's just received. Extras in the background as he walks 
                      through the street. Dramatic music becomes added to create tension 
                      and add anticipation to the audience. 
                                                INT. CAR PARK - NIGHT (5) 
                Close up of a car pulling into the undercover car park to complete the 
                exchange. The music gets higher in tension and opening credits appear 
                on the side of the screen over time, gradually introducing everyone 
                involved in the film.

                Camera cuts to establishing shot of the car park with two cars facing 
                each other ready to do the exchange. The camera then zooms in onto
                the cars gradually.

                Camera cuts to a shot of the subject in a low angled shot, showing their
                feet as the step out of the car. The music begins to increase in tension
                as the audience see the briefcase for the first time. Tracking shot of the
                subjects feet as he begins to walk towards the deal.

                 As the receiver of the briefcase and the giver meet there is a over the
                 shoulder shot as the character passes the briefcase over, the camera
                 doesn't show who receives the briefcase during the exchange.
                                                EXT. STREET - NIGHT (6)

               High angled long shot of the subject walking away from the deal,
               music still continuing, camera slowly zooms into the subject and begins
               to track him, as if someone is stalking him.

               Cut to mid shot of the subject walking away with the briefcase. The
               subject walks past the camera and then the camera focuses on a person
               following him in a suspicious way, the subject is unaware of this.

               Cut to side shot of the characters as the subject becomes aware of the
               follower and he begins to up the pace to try and get away from him.
               Camera doesn't move, the characters pass by it.

                                               EXT. ALLEY - NIGHT (7)

              Close up of the subject's face with the briefcase held up to it, he's hid
              behind the wall trying to lose his follower and get away with the
              briefcase. Shows the emotions of the character.

              The camera remains in a close up of the subjects face, the interceptor/
              follower grabs the subjects face and covers their mouth.



Cut out to blackout.

1 comment:

  1. Rossi. A good attempt but use the script more for action, description and scene. Keep the camera movement for the storyboard or shot list.
