We completed filming in around 2 1/2 hours including set up time as well as meeting the people in charge at the location. We gained about 45 minutes worth of footage over 76 different shots using two different cameras. During shooting we sometimes had to shoot the same shot multiple times to get it exactly how we wanted as the actions performed weren't quite matching Tom and I's expectations.
We arrived at our location at around 19:30, a bit earlier than arranged to not keep the location owners waiting and then we departed our location at around 22:00. Overall, Tom and I were pleased with the shots we gathered, sticking to our shooting schedule for most shots throughout however, adding in extra shots and changing a few as we thought it would be a better shot.
Our script worked well, giving the actors a basic insight into the type of shots we wanted and the actions they were going to have to perform. Also, the actors had more information through the use of our storyboard, this helped them see the layout of the shots and in what order they were being done. The casting sheet for our film opening worked well, this is because the actors were much more organised and knew what time to arrive on set and who was in charge of what aspect of the film.
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