Monday, 10 October 2016

Preliminary Task Evaluation 1

What is the purpose of the preliminary task?

The purpose of the task was to show that we fully understood all the concepts when recording, including things such as match on action, the 180 degree rule and different camera shots as well as how we apply them to the filming and different situations. Also the purpose of this task was to show editing skills and how we edit the footage in different ways to other people who have the same footage as ourselves.

What difficulties did you face?

The difficulties we faced include the filming being in a public place. This caused people to maybe walk in camera shot or disrupt the filming in some way. Therefore, the filming of some shots had to be re done because of this. Also we had difficulties in putting shots together and so they flowed well, both in editing and when filming them as well as also having to re film some shots because of it not matching to the rules eg. 180 degree rule.

How did you plan out the shots?

We planned out the shots by discussing together firstly the outline of what we wanted the sequence to be about and what we wanted it to include, then we discussed what types of shot we thought would be best and how we would film them. From there we created a storyboard, this meant that we had a basic plan to follow and knew roughly shot for shot, what type of shot and film sequence we wanted to created.

What did you learn about continuity editing?

I learnt that the shots need to flow together smoothly with swift transitions and so it isn't brought to the audiences attention without them focusing on it specifically. Also, I learnt the importance of the shots flowing together and having reasons for the certain transitions or effects used during the editing to try and make the clip/editing as good as possible. Also i learnt about the effect that music can have up on the mood of the clip/scene and how it must fit in with the editing that i'm doing.

What did you learn about the demands of filming a sequence?

I learnt about the importance of time management, this meant trying to get the shots correct first time and so more time could be spent on the editing of the clips and making them look as good as possible. However, I also realise the importance of not rushing the shots and so that the quality isn't what you initially want. Furthermore, I learnt the importance of having the necessary equipment to make my sequence as good as possible and well as the best actors and cameraman possible to make the sequence I am filming as professional as possible. Moreover, it is important that you plan out using a storyboard and so you know the sequence of shots you want to film before you start.

In conclusion, we made this preliminary film to learn different editing techniques and the different effects available to use. Also, we needed to learn the different things that need to be planned before recording the shots such as the use of storyboards etc. This preliminary task will help me to develop my future films in better ways and make them as best as possible now im more familiar with the editing and the resources available etc. 

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